Hypnosis for Pain Management
How can hypnosis help with managing Pain ?
Remember when you fell over and scraped your knee and you cried and your mum came over and said “I’ll kiss it better ” and when she did it did feel better.
That’s the power of the mind at work and of course a clever mother. This is how hypnosis works too. You can help to control your pain with the words you use and the way you say them to yourself. After you have got into a deep relaxed state.
Whether you are going into hospital for an operation or recovering from one or are in chronic pain – sometimes the only thing left to try is to use your mind and your imagination. Hypnosis for Pain Management will help.
One of my clients Mark had to go to the hospital to have an operation to repair a perforated bowel which as you can imagine was very painful. I made a hypnosis recording for him to listen to help him with his pain whilst he was recovering post-operation. The recording started off with relaxation techniques, slow breathing and attaching a calming colour.
Mark Butcher Review
Hi Cathy
> I know I have told you already but I need to put it out there and let people know just how awesome your work is I had major surgery planned for April 2015 and was quite concerned and stressed. Cathy produced a relaxation CD for me for pre Opp post opp. I did listen to the pre opp a couple of times before I went in to hospital and was not sure if it helped. However after the operation I can’t tell you how important that CD was to me … The opp went wrong and I spent almost 6 weeks in hospital on some strong drugs unable to sleep and struggled to even function the pain was shocking but I would pop in the ear plugs and instantly relax your work Cathy is amazing. I swear by it even the hospital nurses were impressed and quite amazed. Even now being home if I can’t get to sleep I pop in the ear plugs and off to sleep I go …….. I don’t ever think I have heard the end of it. Love your work Cathy Barrow and thank you from the bottom of my heart as your work has played an important part in my recovery._” Mark Butcher
1.I gave him something to focus on rather than his pain.
2 I gave him some sense of control.
In the case of an athlete recovering from say a knee reconstruction, they would have a lot of fear around using that knee again with 100 per cent mobility. The confidence goes and the longer you are out of action, the more imbedded that thought gets in your brain consciously and subconsciously. So after I have relaxed the client with breathing and various other techniques I would get them to remember how their knee was so strong and sturdy before the operation and how it will be again. This can be done through the client associating themselves into the memory and feelings of a game when they were playing at their optimum. Then whilst they are in that memory and feelings get them to bring up another image in the near future when they will be back playing at their best. With that knee so strong so reliable. We can use metaphors like steel bars, strong tree roots imagining white healing light healing that knee very quickly. I do not take the client anywhere near the memory of the incident. Of course, repetition of the suggestions is paramount in and out of hypnosis. So essential In my opinion that the client listens to that session recording for some time so those suggestions are reinforced and embedded over and over again. So the brain develops a new way of thinking a new positive confident response
Hypnosis used by Doctors on needle phobics
With the use of hypnosis for pain management, think about going to the dentist for a procedure. So many people hate going to the dentist and you do everything you can to take your focus off the drill or what the dentist is doing poking around in your mouth. Even though your hands are perspiring and your heart is going a thousand beats a minute and your hands are so tightly clenched they hurt. How do we do this? By using our imagination by using the mind to think of a calm scene, calm feelings and using our breathing to slow our heart down and breathing and relax as much as you can. The same method is used in pre-operation using hypnosis as in hypnosis to manage Post Operation pain.
Hypnosis works just like the example I gave above except the hypnotist helps the client to go into a very deep state of relaxation/hypnosis so the subconscious mind can be given the suggestions that the client needs to manage his or her anticipation of pain/or experience of real pain in everyday life and chronic pain. We can give the ability to turn your pain down and turn your level of comfort up. With practice and repetition, you can learn to use these techniques or self – hypnosis any time you need it.
Dentophobia, or fear of dentists,
is a common phobia among people of all ages. It is sometimes related to iatrophobia, or fear of doctors, as well as trypanophobia, or fear of needles.
Dentophobia may be mild or severe, and can eventually lead to a devastating consequence. Are you fearful of going to the dentist for a filling or simply a checkup? You are not alone and think about the poor dentist. No one is usually happy to see him.
Gum disease – Untreated tooth decay can lead to gum or periodontal disease. If you don’t regularly see the dentist, health problems, such as hypertension, diabetes, oral cancers, kidney failure and heart disease may not be discovered until they’re in a more advanced stage.
For me, someone playing around in my mouth gets me sweating with anxiety immediately and I can feel my body tense up as the nurse reclines my chair for the dentist. 2 years ago I had to have some heavy-duty work done on my gums and it involved a lot of needles. Now I think I used to have a needle phobia as when I was a little girl I ran away from the queue for immunisation. I had to have them anyway in a line up with the babies and it was still terrifying. I don’t think in those days the dentists had the right soothing language to use and there was no mental preparation. That’s what hypnosis can do for you.
1/ Prepare you mentally for the dental visit- procedure and
2/ Give you something to focus on that takes you somewhere else in your mind so you can control your fearful and physical responses.
Via suggestions and imagery and relaxation techniques given in the hypnosis session seeing and feeling the procedure going well and practising this by listening to a post – hypnosis recording you can change your experience of going and being at the dentist into a pleasurable one.
sessions recommended 2 some people only need one and you the client always go home with the session recording which you listen to post hypnosis for 31 days. So that the suggestions heard in the hypnosis session are reinforced for permanent change of behaviour.
Did you know there was a Scottish surgeon called James Esdaille who operated using hypnosis and trance only with no anesthetic on hundreds of patients in India. Hypnosis was also used in the Civil War if they ran out of Ether which really was the only anaesthetic they had.
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