
Does Price Equal Motivation?

Does Price Equal Motivation Does price equal motivation? I get enquiries from many people who want to Quit Smoking and a small percentage of those will ask “what is the price for the service” first up. Does this reflect their motivation to quit? That they are serious about improving their health? In some cases the email goes like this” I want…

Do you need rewiring?

Do you need rewiring? I am reading such a wonderful book at present called How to Rewire Your Brain for Happiness by Rick Hanson. Mr Hanson says that we naturally default to a negativity bias as this has been part of our hardwiring in response to danger for millions of years. He teaches that we can indeed retrain our brain…

New Years Resolutions and the Holidays

Cathy Barrow Hypnosis is taking appointments during most days of the Holiday Season, but not Sundays. Holidaying on the Bellarine? What a perfect time to Quit Smoking – come and see me at St Leonards. Around 50 per cent of Australians make  New Year’s resolutions but 88 per cent failure fail to achieve their resolution. The most common ones are Losing Weight, Stopping…